Work Experience

Teaching Assistant for Classical Mechanics I

  • University: Massachusetts Information of Technology
  • Role: Teaching Assistant
  • Year: September 2022 – December 2022 
  • Key Responsibilities:
    • Held office hours for 3 classes of around 10 students to help students with their problem sets
    • Graded two problem sets.
  • Learnings:
    • Enhanced my scientific communication skills
    • How to explain concepts in a simpler, intuitive manner

Empowerment Through Integration (ETI)

  • Organization: Empowerment Through Integration – ETI’s main motto is ‘Inclusion for All is a Value for All’.
  • Role: Website Intern
  • Year: May 2018 – Present 
  • Key Responsibilities:
    • Redesign the website to modernize it and make it more visually appealing
      • Prepare mock-ups and infographics for the redesign 
      • Add new pages and change the layout of the website
      • Replace old pictures with those that have a better quality 
      • Add more pictures and galleries along with alt text
      • Add and update ETI team members’ Linked In accounts
    • Enhance, administer and maintain the website and keep it up-to-date with all ETI’s major programs and ongoing activities
      • Add appropriate banners when needed
      • Sharing and implementing new ideas for getting donations
      • Add new job searches for ETI
      • Maintaining content on all pages. Checkout the Donate page that I recently created.
    • Add and maintain website accessibility
    • Attend weekly team meetings with key ETI team members to share the progress of website updates and work on updating the website together
  • What I learned:
    • All aspects of a good website for non-profit organizations
    • Convey my idea clearly to site visitors while also make it aesthetically appealing
    • How to make a website accessible and WCAG compliant
    • Team collaboration – we have a zoom meeting for 2-3 hours each week where discuss and implement new changes and solve problems together.
  • Total Hours spent: More than 250 hours

Melanoma Education Foundation

  • Organization: Melanoma Education Foundation – Non-profit organization with a vision of creating a melanoma-free world through education.
  • Role: Volunteer
  • Year: Summer 2018 
  • Key Responsibilities:
    • Confirm whether teachers in the organization’s database are still at the schools and update the spreadsheets with the information.
  • What I learned:
    • How important it is to have an early detection of cancer
    • Attention to details
  • Total Hours spent: 31 hours


  • Organization: WeCanTest – Non-profit organization that writes various programs for automation testing of mobile apps.
  • Role: Automation Engineer Intern
  • Year: Summer 2017 
  • Key Responsibilities:
    • Write tests in Java language for the Everbridge mobile app.
    • Worked in a team with 3 more interns
    • Attended online Scrum standup twice a week to discuss progress and solve each others problems.
    • Met once a week to learn more about automation testing and also plan tasks for next week.
  • What I learned:
    • Automation testing, why it is needed and how it works
    • Working in a team and attending weekly scrum meetings
    • Java Programming and debugging
  • Total Hours spent: 80 hours